TEDxVicenza 2016: Play > Pause II Restart O

«In all, there were three things: the certainty one is always beginning, the certainty one must go further, and the certainty that one will be interrupted before finishing».
Cit. F.Pessoa

Countdown for the next TEDxVicenza 2016 edition (re)starts.

The theme of last year was “Planting the seeds”, based on the assumption that seeding ideas is the first step toward a real change.
This year, however, we decided to put ourselves “in play” and renew us.
Not only regarding the team (that we will introduce in the next articles), but also venue and the date are different: TEDxVicenza will be taking place the next 7 May 2016 at the Municipal Theatre.

The theme Play.Pause.Restart wants to emphasize the need for constant renewal.

We have already mentioned the word game, restart, but before going back to work, we also had some time off; fundamental to reflect on the past experience, and on the critical and positive aspects.

All this has been translated into the new event theme: Play.Pause.Restart.


The theme of TEDxVicenza 2016 Play.Pause.Restart wants to emphasize the need for constant renewal.

Renew for innovation, with the audacity to take the risk, to test ourselves using a dash of improvisation.
TEDxVicenza 2016 will bring on stage stories of change and ideas that shake the status quo fueling the desire of discovery.

Ideas and stories that are characterized by dynamism, embracing topics like innovation, technology as well as art, music, entertainment, sport and science.
All with a constant push forward and a strong curiosity of change.
To be effective and lead to a concrete change, the dynamism underlying Play.Pause.Restart cannot ignore a fundamental moment: break.
The latter becomes a discussion aimed to collect new energies required for the restart. 
Therefore, after having planted the seeds with TEDxVicenza 2015, now we leave you the time to stop and think about what will be the theme of this year, and then start again with stories, ideas and emotions that we will live at TEDxVicenza 2016.
As well as music, where the rhythm imposes breaks that allow to give meaning to the note sequence, experiences and ideas that will be narrated, underline the importance of the break as an essential moment of every creative process.


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